Research. Ask questions. Look at Curriculum. Phone a Friend.

I am ecstatic to be homeschooling in the fall. It was a good fit for our family when we did it two years ago and I know it's the best environment for my kiddos.

As the superintendent and principal of #northernlightshomeschool I get to decide what my kids will study. I am a master detective - super sleuth. What layout will be best for Eliana? What projects do I need to add for Abigail to be challenged? What extra curricular subjects do I need to sprinkle in so learning is fun and becomes a lifelong habit? What lessons and material do I want them to learn so they become healthy, responsible adolescents and adults?

These are all questions that go into curating an educational plan for each daughter. The beautiful thing about homeschool is it doesn't have to be a one size fits all approach - we get to choose. And even better - if what you picked isn't working out - let it go. Pitch it and pivot. Your kids are too valuable to make them do something that isn't working for you or them.

Be flexible. Have Fun. (If you know me I struggle with having fun, because I love a good plan. To help in this area - I actually schedule fun into our lesson plans. The girls look forward to it and it helps me to remember that connection and laughter provides a great environment for learning.

So my friends if you are debating about homeschooling if you aren't sure, reach out, let me cheer you on.

And I'll leave you with my favorite student planner that was recommended to me by a homeschool mama and dear friend, "God's Word in Time Scripture Planner". They have younger elementary, elementary, and secondary. I get my from Christianbooks online.

Homeschool is not meant to be done in alone. Find a community or make one. There are more and more families deciding this is what's best for their children. They are out there!


Fun and laughter
