Don’t abandoned the ship
In parenting do you ever find yourself wanting to abandon the ship? Do you question why are you trying to steer something that is clearly headed in the wrong direction.
That's how I felt this morning. A misunderstanding turned into a massive meltdown and lots of tears and hurt feelings between my daughter and I.
I dropped her off at school and drove to work defeated and in tears. I wanted to abandon the ship.
And then I had a gentle reminder, a whisper to my heart...why abandon the ship when you need to just make a small course correction? Why give up when you have come so far on your journey?
Why? Because I was momentarily listening to the lies that I wasn't good enough. That I always screw up. That things won't ever be good. And then I stopped because I realized that's not truth at all.
How often do we listen to the lies and abandon the ship? In what areas are you wanting to toss in the towel or even jump overboard?
Friends, don't abandon the ship. Make the course corrections and keep on sailing.
What happens when you adjust your sails?
In my situation I win, my daughter wins, and quite seriously the world wins. Why because I am doing my best work in my home. I am raising a confident, kind, and fiercely focused little human who will leave this world better than she found it.
Don't abandon the ship...I know you can succeed.